There’s a right way and wrong way to do most things in life. Granted, it can be a little subjective at times, but I think most would agree to let the bread thaw out before you lather it up for your next PB and J, right? (Either that or I’ve been wasting so much time in my life, or need to stop eating like a 10 year old). But even that has it’s “do’s and don’ts”, and it’s certainly no different when learning how to fly, especially in Cirrus aircraft.
Check out some of these “Do’s”:
- Fly with a factory certified school
- Learn by way of syllabuses and standardized curriculum
- Learn only with the newest technology (Listen, the FAA is starting to federally mandate technology, sorry to all the other pilots who feel that Cirrus pilots “don’t know how to fly”, but guess what? We’ll see you in soon to teach how to use some of this newer “stuff” about to become required for flight, hate to say “I told you so”)
- Fly with in safe aircraft, i.e., parachute!
- Fly what you want, even if it means saving up a little more prior to beginning (We've seen it time and time again, folks start in an older aircraft to “save money” but lone and behold, they’re not happy with the plane, and usually all sorts of other things, and come to us later to fly Cirrus. Problem is, you're back tracking a bit “re-learning” a few things and worse part is you could have been flying with the exemplary safety features all along! )
We’re the experts on flight training, not those guys. We eat, breathe, and sleep flight training. It’s our business, so let us help!
Start out by checking out