Sunday, June 16, 2013

Cost Solutions to Remaining Current

Staying current when your not flying around Los Angeles in your Cirrus, or spending time in CalAir's fully immersed flight simulator, is much easier than one might think. The funny part is we never really think about it's significance but it can certainly prove to be such.

We're talking here about an at home flight simulator on your computer. Spending time on one in between flights is more valuable than you think, and it cost pennies in comparison to the costs of your flight training.

I've actually had students show up for their first lesson, that of which "live" on their simulators, and I couldn't tell that they where logging their first hour in an actual aircraft. Seriously, I had no idea. At one point, with a particular student, I asked to have them demonstrate slow flight, figuring he'd already done it with another instructor and I was knocking out FAR requirements, and they looked at me confused...

"What's slow flight? I've never done that."
"You've never done slow flight? Don't you have previous time in this aircraft?"
"Well, at home on my sim."
"You mean you've never actually been up in a Cirrus before?"

I was flabbergasted.

Here this guy was, handed off from his demo from another pilot for me to get his training underway (my fault for not looking in his "logbook", of which he obviously didn't have), who could complete all checklists, maintain positive aircraft control, and talk to ATC. In his first dual flight hour non the less! I couldn't believe it.

End of the day, if you think simulator programs are useless, for at home "chair pilots", your wrong. Frankly, it's a great way to stay up to speed and current, although not FAA approved to log, especially when contending with the Los Angeles basin each flight.

For more cost effective recommendations, visit us at

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Private/Instrument Training in Los Angeles

We had the astute pleasure this weekend of speaking to many Los Angeles locals this weekend at the Palos Verdes street fair. One thing that I could not help but notice, what stood out the most, was broaching the subject of what many called "being half a pilot", Private pilots without an Instrument add on.

Frankly, I couldn't agree anymore. ( Not to knock anyone's accomplishment of a Pilot's License, (I believe) we make up 1% of the population)

But certainly, especially in Los Angeles, not having an IFR certification can prove to be quite troublesome. We're all aware of "June Gloom", of which takes literally 2 seconds to pop in and out of, or the storms we can incur during the winter that march down from the North. These, what might be considered, simple phenomenon, can quickly make a no-go decision evident. It was but a couple summers ago that 3/4's of the season Los Angeles was covered under a thick blanket of fog. Can you imagine...not flying for most the summer, in time to be grounded by winter storms?

Not to down play it, but that sucks...little sarcasm there

With the advancement in technology, the proper training, and the right aircraft, your IFR certificate is much simpler than you think. Ask many of our Los Angeles based students that have taken their check rides ( at FAA minimums non the less) and easily passed, it's as doable as you'd like it to be.



Besides, being sandwiched in between layers isn't the worst thing you'll ever see!

Call us or visit to complete your license today! We're here to help

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Palos Verdes Street Fair

If you happened to stop by the Palos Verdes street fair this year, you might have ran into CalAir along side Cirrus promoting Cirrus flight training and the Cirrus brand all together.

Thank you to all that attended to show your support and we where more than happy to get a chance to inform many Los Angeles inhabitants to the wonder world of Cirrus.

If anyone would like to follow us as we continue to pave the way for debut flight facilities in Los Angeles, check out today!  

Friday, June 7, 2013

Father's Day in LA

Looking for something different to do this year in Los Angeles for Dad on Father's day?!

Why not gift the experience of flight this year?

For less then $200 dollars, he'll be flying himself over Los Angeles with one of our knowledgeable, safe, and friendly flight instructors. He'll be taking in the bird's eye view and experience the sheer joy of flight.

Call us today for a gift certificate and give him something he won't forget this year...a flight with CalAir, Los Angele's debut Cirrus training Center!

Go to for more info